CREDITS: Director: Jeremiah Chechik. Cast: Ralph Finnes, Uma Thurman & Sean Connery. USA 1998.

INTRODUCTION: The joint release both sides of the Atlantic and the decision not to hold any advanced press screenings meant that there was little information available prior to the release of this film, indicating a lack of studio confidence in this project. The last film they honoured with this technique was "Batman and Robin".

SYNOPSIS: The evil August DeWinter (Connery) seizes control of the weather, brining disaster to the world, but fear not as Steed (Finnes) and Mrs Peel (Thurman) are on hand to thwart him.

REVIEW: Despite the film's many similarities, resurrected 60's TV series with Thurman in a cat suit, rest assured it's not as bad as "Batman and Robin", at least not quite, as the film plays its British quirkiness to subtle effect succeeding where Mike Myers sledgehammer approach in "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery" didn't.

Connery is suitably camp as the larger than life villain and, as is common with such films, steals the show, which is just as well really. Wraith (if Mr. Finnes is not willing to pronounce his name correctly I'm not willing to spell it correctly) is far to insubstantial to portray the charming and debonair Steed as is ably demonstrated when Patrick McNee turns up and acts him off of the screen despite the apparent disadvantage of not being on screen at any point. Thurman is given little to do but wear a leather catsuit so tight she reportedly had to be sewn into it, still that's more than enough as far as I'm concerned. The supporting cast includes the likes of Jim Broadbent as Mother and Eddie Izzard as quite possibly the least menacing henchman in cinematic history.

Chechik the man who botched the remake of "Les Diaboliques" starring Sharon Stone, once again misses the mark, failing to play to the subtle quirkiness of the series and instead just taking broad pot shots at the American view of British culture, leaving in its wake a somewhat confused mess. Although to look for plot holes in such a film would be churlish, but one can't help but feel that the "Empire Strikes Back" style climatic duel would have been over much quicker if one of the protagonists had thought to bring a gun.

Flawed entertainment, vaguely reminiscent of the 60's TV series of the same name.

Mutt's Rating: **

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