The Lizard Lives! Yes, I have awoken from my winter hibernation and turned over a new rock. I have foresworn all those terrible films full of exploding heads and senseless, gratuitous sex and swearing. Instead I decided to go and see a proper film. "American Beauty" is that film and it contains only a few exploding heads, gratuitous sex scenes and bad language. Doh!

What’s it about then? Well it’s about the dark underbelly of the American dream told in a mistressly fashion with top acting, directing and clever things done with cameras.  As any other review will tell you Kevin Spacey lusts after his daughter’s school friend, gives up his job and goes back to acting like a teenager himself. Meanwhile his materialistic wife (Annette Bening) practices her work ethics, bonks king lounge lizard and fails to understand Spacey. Equally important is the story of their daughter, her friend and psycho-boy who lives next door with his own dysfunctional family.

As a piece of direction it is outstanding. The acting is both masterful and mistressful in equal proportions. It’s gorgeous to look at. It’s funny, sad, touching, sexy and downright brilliant. It is also, it has to be said, not half an hour too long! On this last criteria alone it should be awarded a full complement of Oscars right now and bugger any competition. The nearest comparisons are “Sex, Lies and Videotape” and “Blue Velvet”; it’s mammothly better than the former and comes close to being as good as the latter.

Despite the dark dark currents that run through this film I found the overall effect quite uplifting and the downer of an ending made me feel very happy. I went to see this with my step-daughter and the truth of the film was enough to make that a slightly uncomfortable experience to be watching it with her which is absolutely the way it should be. Take your family to see this film if you really want to feel its effect. Do it now.

Now, where did I leave that rock?

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