CREDITS: Director: Yolande Zauberman Cast: Elodie Bouchez, Roschdy Zem & Beatrice Dalle France (Subtitled) 1996 (18) 

INTRODUCTION: I don't want to insult Ms Dalle, and since the chances of her reading this are slim to say the least I probably won't, even if I say that never have I seen a woman more in need of dental surgery. I'm sorry but didn't she used to be attractive? My memories of Betty Blue and Night On Earth certainly seem to indicate that, but now that her teeth have formed a perfect, if somewhat yellowing, replica of Stonehenge, I find she no longer inspires in me the same urges she once did. That aside (Beatrice Dalle fans can mail their abusive responses to Lizard, safe in the knowledge that I will never read them) back to the film. 

SYNOPSIS: Falling asleep on the bus one night our heroine finds herself marooned in a threatening and alien environment, surrounded by threatening and alien people, so she goes clubbing. 
There's some other guff about two brothers, a fight, some sort of romantic sub-plot and the now obligatory drug usage, but the general focus of the film seems to be the thumping sound track provided by the likes of Massive Attack and Chemical brothers. 

REVIEW: It's not that this is a bad movie, it's just misguided, I don't blame it for its many flaws, I blame the society in which it was brought up. It lacks the firm directorial hand of a good parent, leaving it to run amok with no real purpose or direction. And it plays its music too loud. 

All things considered actually being clubbed to death is a viable alternative to watching this unintentional Gallic farce. 

Mutts Rating: * 

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