Godzilla is one of those films that demands you deposit your brain at the entrance to the cinema auditorium. It is not because of the far-fetched premise; namely lizard zapped by atomic radiation grows extremely big and then tramples New York - which I can accept. Rather it is because you are expected to concede that a massive number of special effects are an acceptable substitute for story, plot continuity or human interest.

Other monster flicks such as Jaws, Aliens, and even Jurassic Park had plots with a clear human element. Godzilla, on the other hand, only has the monster. It really tries to crowbar in some human interest, but this plays second fiddle to the special effects (which by the way range from good to truly awful). Even the effects laden Starship Troopers did not fall into this trap.

So in the end you are left with a spectacular (in places) film. However, as you get used to the monster smashing buildings it becomes boring and trite. The makers of the film spotted this and borrowed (stole?) the 'raptor scenes from Jurassic Park to try and make the film more exciting, but they failed.

It was watchable, but only just. And don't even start me on the plot holes. They were so large a fecking dinosaur could crawl though them.

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