CREDITS: Director: Robert Guediguian Cast: Ariane Ascaride & Gerard Meylan France (Subtitled) 1996 (15) 

INTRODUCTION: A big hit over the channel, this French comedy has taken longer to reach our shores than a P&O ferry during a Dockers strike. 

SYNOPSIS: It's the old tale of Girl meets Boy, Girl looses job, neighbour votes National Socialist, Girl meets ex-boss in a variety of wacky encounters, ageing friend has party, Boy vanishes, Girl puts it down to male infidelity, daughter goes to journalism school in Paris, friends and neighbours go looking for boy, boy overcomes fear of intimacy, every one lives happily ever after in a workers' collective. 

REVIEW: Some sort of French Socialist Comedy, at least judging by the reaction of the predominantly French Socialist audience I saw this with. The ensemble cast is excellent, especially the two leads. You can't help but like these people. Warm and charming as it is, I'm afraid this slice of Continental (well Marseilles) life went way over my head. The rest of the audience seemed to enjoy it however, and its got good word of mouth, so perhaps a good film for those intimately acquainted with the French sense of humour. 

A Film for Francophiles only. 

Mutts Rating: ?** 

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