CREDITS: Director: Jacques Doillon. Cast: Victoire Thivisol, Matiaz Bureau Caton, Delphine Schiltz, Leopoldine Serre, Luckie Roger, Carla Ioled, Antoine Du Merle & Marie Trintignant. France (Subtitled) 1996.

INTRODUCTION: The film that's been wowing them on the continent, thanks largely to a stunning performance from 4 year old Thivisol finally makes it to a selected cinema nowhere near you.

SYNOPSIS: Surviving a car wreck in which her mother was not quite so lucky the young Ponette struggles to come to terms with bereavement.

REVIEW: Doillon continues his preoccupation with increasingly younger subjects by following his study of teen sexuality "La Fille de Quinze" and his moving portrayal of adolescent suicide "Le Jeune Werther" by looking at how a toddler deals with bereavement, following her through the stages of DABDA, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. A truly ambitious project which rests solely on the shoulders of its young lead.

Four year old Thivisol puts in a magnificent performance which won her the best actress prize at the Venice Film Festival that year. Somewhat of a method actress she apparently insisted that Doillon scolded her whenever she was required to cry. Whether you believe that story or not it is still a stunning performance as indeed are those given by her young co-stars.

The adults are largely relegated onto the sidelines as her atheistic father (Xavier Beavois) her devout Catholic Aunt (Clare Nebout) and various school staff seem to have little to say in this battle for a young girl's soul, apart from the occasional attempts to draw her into their own preferred belief system, a recently bereaved four year old girl presumably being the perfect convert for Catholicism.

The film does drag on a bit. While Homer Simpson once managed to make it through the stages of DABDA in 30 seconds Ponette takes considerably longer, and one can't help but feel that the ending is somewhat of a cop-out although Doillon claims it came from interviews with children that have been through the process.

The most impressive young debut since the young McCauly Culkin first burst onto our screens.

Mutt's Rating: ****

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