CREDITS: Director: Jake West. Cast: Eileen Daly, Christopher Adamson, Jonathan Cooke, Kevin Howarth, David Warbeck & Brad Lavella. UK 1997.

INTRODUCTION: A massive hit at the 14th Birmingham International Film & Television Festival, selling out at both showings. West's directorial debut is essentially a work of fan film making that has been kicking around the Goth circuit for years before a sudden infusion of cash from Manga secured the film a mainstream release.

SYNOPSIS: The vampiric Lilith Silver (Daly) works as a hitwoman and relaxes by discussing the nature of vampiricism with the decidedly Gothic clientele of the Transylvannia club. Hired to kill off members of secret cabal the Illuminati, Silver finds herself involved in the machinations of Sir Seth Blake (Adamson) the vampire whom first granted her immortality and pursued by ardent cop and Illuminati D.I. Raymond Price (Adamson).

REVIEW: Manga's increasingly desperate attempts to get into the live action market have resulted in their backing of some unusual projects. On the up side they gave us access to Lars Von Triers excellent Danish TV miniseries "The Kingdom" and on the downside there's this. The sudden infusion of cash does not go amiss allowing the creation of some extra effects and an impressive title sequence, but it is too little, too late as it can do nothing for the poor production values and appalling acting.

Daly, the face of Redemption Video, looks good when striking a pose in her Murray & Vern catsuits but is flat and amateurish when it comes to acting and awkward and unconvincing when it comes to the action sequences. Cooke seems earnest enough in his portrayal while Adamson and Warbeck mercilessly ham it up.

"It's okay to laugh" West assured me at a recent preview screening which is just as well, because it's difficult to know what else to do. This apparent spoofing of both vampire and Bond movies, oozes blood, sex and bad gags, and has a suitably twisted ending intended more to surprise and amuse than actually make sense, ensuring it a cult hit status among drunks, Goths and drunken Goths, but other than this it has little to recommend it.

Get tanked up and go along for the ride.

Mutt's Rating: **

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