But first, a few words about ST: First Contact. First Contact is notable for building up a head of steam and then pissing it all away. Jean-Luc Picard, pushed to the limits, declares that he will not surrender his ship to the Borg and makes a stirring speech about how it is necessary to draw a line in the sand and say "this far and no further." Fantastic. I felt as though I was about to see conviction and action of the like not seen outside of a Ripley Slays the Aliens Again film. Ten seconds later Picard is metaphorically emasculated by an unnecessary wimp character and gets sucked into a naff and boring plotline. The film grinds to a halt and disappoints big time. If only …..

Step forward then ST9. But is it any good?

In its favour I will say that the ensemble playing is absolutely at its peak although the writers still can’t find anything for Deanna and Beverley to do. I don’t remember any incarnation of the ST franchise where the players have been so tight and from this POV the film is sure to please the fans. Elsewhere it disappoints.

The plot is tired and the effects look like they never completed post production fully because no-one could be bothered. You just can’t get away with effects this bad today unless you have a blinding story to tell. This doesn’t.

And another thing, though what I am about to say is not original ….. Berman and Co have just about completed the task of ruining the ST franchise. They do not have a single good idea left in their heads and the ever increasing stream of technobabble bullshit is completely out of hand. They don’t even bother to think of logical resolutions to problems in the plot. Whenever they write themselves into a corner they just begin writing gibberish about field modulations, harmonic sub-space anomolies or, in ST9, Transporter Inhibitors for Christ’s sake! Please go away and ruin some other TV series and give ST back to people who care and understand that the whole thing needs to be underpinned with at least vaguely plausible science.

If you are a Trek fan then you will enjoy this in spite of its faults but Berman and co must go!

Enjoyable, frustrating, only for fans, Berman must go.

Lizard’s Rating ***

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